
Celebrating My Feature in the “Super 100 Artists 2024”

Honored to Be Featured in the Super 100 Artists 2024

Honored to Be Featured in the Super 100 Artists 2024

I’m absolutely buzzing to share that I’ve been named one of the Super 100 Artists 2024! This incredible recognition celebrates the diverse and electrifying art scene we have here in the UAE.

This award, given by Artoze Gallery and Khaleej Times, shines a light on the unique voices that weave the rich tapestry of our nation’s art. The UAE, with its mind-blowing mix of desert sands and futuristic skylines, has always been a playground for artistic exploration. As an artist, it’s fueled my creativity – this place where tradition and cutting-edge ideas collide, and local stories meet global influences. Being part of the “Super 100 Artists 2024” is a true testament to the creative fire that burns brightly in this region.

Nihad Nadam Super 100 Artists 2024 UAE

This book is a treasure trove, capturing the essence of 100 artists, each adding their own special touch to the UAE’s cultural landscape. From painters with their mesmerizingly detailed strokes to the digital artists pushing boundaries, “Super 100 Artists” showcases the incredible depth of talent nurtured right here in the Emirates. It’s both a reflection of our artistic heritage and a window into the exciting possibilities that lie ahead.

My path as an artist has been driven by pure passion and relentless drive. Every piece I create is a window into my soul, shaped by my experiences and the wider social and cultural issues that move me. To be featured alongside such amazingly talented artists in this collection is an honor I’ll forever cherish.

This blog post is my way of expressing my deepest gratitude to Artoze Gallery and Khaleej Times for this incredible recognition. It’s not just about celebrating my work, but about inspiring future generations of artists. I truly hope that my story, along with the stories of my fellow artists, ignites a spark in others to dream big and express themselves freely.